Thursday, October 09, 2003

Andrew Sullivan Says Nice Things About Paul Krugman

In the future, of course, for the sake of consistency.

"DARK DAY FOR KRUGMAN: Americans' job prospects are looking up."

Which means that when the job market goes back down, as it has consistently done with only a few exceptions since January, he will write that Krugman has been proven correct. Also, he will make a note of the few thousand additional lost jobs that weren't counted this week, but will be added onto next week's report, just as they have been every single week for many moons.

Ha ha, just kidding. What he'll actually write is some bullshit about the LA Times and his beagle.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Liberal Bastards Broke My Blog

Due to the massive influx of traffic VVH received because of the Nicotrol post, I apparently exceeded whatever bandwidth allowances my image hosting service has, and my account has been terminated.

That is why my picture and my FAQ are out of service.

Therefore, I ask once again: Does anyone happen to know of a free image hosting service I could use? A relatively high bandwidth allowance would be very nice, just in case that anonymous bastard Atrios, or that MSNBC bastard Alterman, or that snarky bastard Roger Ailes ever link to my site again.

I ask because I've finally gotten around to fixing this damn thing - you'll notice the email address and the updated "posts of note" section on the sidebar. I'd like to finish the job, so any suggestions are welcome.

Definitive Proof That The Corner Is For Idiots

Courtesy of the irrepressible K-Lo, we get a letter from a reader with a firm grasp of the facts:
"I am living proof of the need for Prop. 54 to be successful. On Sunday I got an automated call from Jesse Jackson urging me to vote no on the recall, which I believe he said was a right wing power grab coup. Monday, Bill Clinton called then Al Gore. At first I was thinking they picked numbers through zip codes. Then my buddy down the street told me she received an automated call from Republican Daryl Issa. Then another neighbor said that she had only received calls from Republicans. Why are they calling me, I am a registered Republican and I have given to the GOP?
Oh I know, my last name is Lopez (actually Lopez-Lopez, my husband says he always did find his best dates at family reunions) . A Portuguese Lopez and a Honduran Lopez, but a juicy Lopez to the Democrats I guess."
Prop 54 was about the collecting of racial statistics by the state. Our astute Corner reader seems to think that she was called because her name is Lopez. That's entirely possible. But that has nothing to do with the collection of racial statistics. It has to do with using a fucking phone book. Does she perhaps think that Prop 54 would force the telephone comnpanies to take a redacting marker to the phone book, blacking out any name that doesn't appear on the passenger manifest of the Mayflower?


Fortunately, Prop 54 is dead dead dead, and Ward Connerly is now forced to take his voodoo prescription for healing race relations to other states where he is mocked less forcibly than he was at the hands of California voters yesterday.


Say what you will about Sammy Sosa's postseason performance, he came through when it counted last night. Too bad the pitching staff dropped the ball two innings later.

We'll see what happens when the big gun Ray Liotta Kerry Wood takes the mound later in the series.
Fuck The First Amendment, Time To Outlaw PETA

Walking down the street the other day, I happened to see an older fellow cross to the other side of the street before he got to the corner. Just before he made it to the other side, he was blindsided by a dumptruck.

I immediately ran over to him, and took him in my arms, unsure whether or not he would survive the next few minutes.

"You fucking idiot!" I screamed, "You jaywalking son of a bitch! You got what you deserved! The street is for cars, moron, not people! I hope this teaches you your fucking lesson!"

Ho ho. Notice my fine grasp of ethics and basic human decency.

Perhaps I should join PETA, to be with others who share my principled view of the world.

From a letter faxed by PETA to the hospital room of Roy Horn, recent victim of a severe mauling by one of his tigers:
"Perhaps Friday’s frightening incident will make you realize that a brightly lit stage with pounding music and a screaming audience is not the natural habitat for tigers, lions, or any other exotic animals. The only natural thing that happened on that stage was that this majestic animal lashed out against a captor who was beating him with a microphone because he wouldn’t do a trick. No matter how much you say that you love the wild animals whom you have confined continents away from their natural homes, you are still the men who have subjugated their wills and natures to further your own careers. "
For those who didn't catch it the first time, this was faxed to Horn's hospital room. You know, the one in which he is currently fighting for his life, because he lost so much blood he had a stroke.
"You are now in a unique position to show the world both that you have lived and learned and that you have true respect for animals by leaving them some shred of the life that nature intended."
If you don't die, you filthy bastard.

As I have mentioned before, PETA can go fuck itself. You lousy jackasses make the rest of us liberals look bad.

Shifty Figures

The ever-endearing K-Lo at the Corner:
"John Lott adds numbers to the Rush/ESPN debate."
OH! Well, if John Lott has numbers to back him up, he must be correct!

Next up: Mary Rosh holds forth on the Negro conspiracy to vote in the 2000 election.

The Only California Recall Post I Will Lower Myself To Write For The Foreseeable Future

- Arnold Schwarzenegger's win really doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot to me. I know that there are Democrats out there who see this as a major setback, but it's not. The recall has been a circus from start to finish, a freakshow that gave erections to news organizations and disdainful fits of laughter to the rest of us. But it's not indicative of anything. Reynolds is already crowing about how Schwarzenegger and McClintock together pulled in 60% of the vote, and how this is bound to scare the living hell out of Democrats.

Funny, I'm not scared. Why? Because, despite a string of utterly atrocious movies in between True Lies and T3, Arnold is a freaking movie star. Moreover, you couldn't build a movie star more suited to appealing to the Republican base demographic of the white male, particularly the white male who doesn't follow politics. A lot of people who don't pay attention to politics came out for this election and voted for Arnold because they like watching him shoot things. The "R" next to his name didn't do it for him - the diehards to whom that "R" means everything voted for McClintock. His existing celebrity, his apparently liberal stance on social issues, and an incredibly shortened campaign ideal for temporarily shuffling his many major flaws under the rug is what won it for him. It was indeed a winning formula, but it also one that cannot be replicated - not for the GOP, and not, I suspect, for Arnold.

Of course Arnold was going to win. We all knew that as soon as he announced. Sure, a lot of Democrats got their hopes up when Bustamonte started doing well, but hey, as soon as the recall petition hit critical mass, pretty much everyone was sure that Davis was out and a Republican was in. In fact, a lot of people, including myself, saw it as, if not a good thing, at least a thing we could tolerate. Boot a Democrat that makes the party look bad, dump the fiscal disaster in someone else's lap, say hello to Governor Cruz in 2006. The worst case scenario, that of an utter wingnut like Issa winning, has been avoided. So I don't see the point of getting worked up over something we all resigned ourselves to two months ago.

- CalPundit is right, Kos is wrong. Any Democrat who wants to recall Arnold before the 2004 Presidential election is thinking with his balls and not his brain. While I am a big fan of taking the fight to the GOP, another media circus in California drawing attention away from the Presidential race is something that Karl Rove wants so badly he would fund the petition to recall Schwarzenegger himself if he didn't think he'd be caught. Why do you think the plan is to run a lightning two month campaign starting in September? Why do you think Bush has very, very little direct interaction wth the press?

Because the longer you look at Bush, the worse he appears. Rove would give his left nut to have California pull a giant "Hey! Look over there!" on the country at exactly the point when a Presidential incumbant's record is given the most scrutiny.

- While Schwarzenegger may have dodged the bullets that are his personality, his behavior, and a campaign so substance-free it made Libby Dole's look like a theoretical physics dissertation, he will not get a second term - unless the economy rebounds and magically fixes the budget crisis, or he shoots somebody.

- A lot of commentators who dismissed the sexual harrasment allegations against Arnold as an evil plot by Davis should be ashamed of themselves. Yeah, the timing is mighty suspicious, and Davis may very well have played a role in it. I keep hearing about what a bombshell that LA Times article was, but that's crap - a lot of people have known about Arnold's behavior for a long time. It didn't really matter when he was just a movie star, because...well, for whatever reason it is that we allow our celebrities to act appallingly by continuing to support them even after we know what shits they are.

But he's a politician now, a public servant. It's a whole new ballgame, and if anything, it's amazing that that article wasn't written two months ago. If Andrew Sullivan and Glenn Reynolds are right, and Gray Davis did have a hand in delaying that story until just before the election, they should be thanking him, not condemning him. Had the allegations had a month to pick up steam, they might have really hurt him; as it was, they were too little, too late.

The overall point, though, is that all indications point to Arnold being a scumbag, and regardless of the timing of any given article, he should be condemned for the way he treats women.

And, for the record, all of those commentators who have taken the opportunity to defend Arnold's behvior and bash various feminist figures at the same time (you know who they are) are scum.

- I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Mickey Kaus is a cocksucker.

- California will not go to Bush in 2004 no matter who reigns in Sacramento, unless it's part of a Mondale-type landslide, and due to the "no foreigners" clause of the Constitution, Governor is as high as Arnold goes on the totem pole. So who cares? California is largely populated by crazy people, beautiful people, and pussies who are afraid of snow, so I say fuck 'em.

- Arnold Schwarzenegger is the Governor of California. Now that's funny.

Update: Andrew Sullivan's constant referral to Schwarzenegger as "the Eagle" officially makes him, among all the other unkind things I have called him, a huge fucking dork.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

A Brief Pause For Mild, Dignified Celebration