Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Vice Presidential Debate (Rah! Yay!)

Damn, no warning or anything on C-SPAN, just, "Here they are!"


Um...are they debating via telepathy?

I know I didn't bother to check out the rules and format of this debate, but neither did 99.99% of the people watching. To us, this long stretch of silence is just freakin' weird.


Excellent camera findin' skills, Mr. Edwards. Yes, we're over here. Hi!


First question to Dick: Excellent use of current information by whoever wrote the first question.

Dick's Response: 9/11, need to go after state sponsors of terror, Iraq/Al Qaeda connections, etc. Damn. If I had a pair as big as Cheney I wouldn't be able to sit down.


Edwards is making a point of saying "John KErry and I...", which is what he needs to do, seeing as how him and Dick are just surrogates for Kerry and Bush.

Edwards: "I want the American people to listen very closely to what the Vice PResident is saying." A beautiful way of saying "He's fucking lying" without actually, you know, saying it. Good work, John.

Cheney: "I have not said there is a connection between Iraq and 9/11." If the DNC doesn't release a blast fax to every media outlet within two minutes quoting all the times Cheny has done just that, the party is well and truly being run by idiots.


Cheney: Blah blah blah, Afghan elections. If Edwards doesn't rip Cheney's head off about massive voter fraud and the security situation in Afghanistan, I will hate him forever.


Edwards: "Here's what's actually happening in Afghanistan..." Good.


Blogger problems...this might not work tonight.


PS - Blogger sucks. It's taking 5 minutes to reload pages so I can post, and then eating my posts. Too many people posting at once, maybe. Or maybe, you know, they just suck. Either way, this exercise appears to be over. I'm sorry to everyone who expected me to liveblog. I guess I'll post a wrapup when the thing is done.

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